
2024-25 citizen’s budget to combat misinformation

August 3, 2024 7:55 am

The Ministry of Finance has launched its Financial Year 2024-25 Citizens’ Guide to the National Budget aimed at creating awareness and combating misinformation about the National Budget.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Professor Biman Prasad says this is their second Citizens’ Guide and it is part of the government’s commitment to openness, transparency, and accountability by providing real-time information to the public.

Prasad says that the booklet will demystify some of the technical jargon and language normally used in the budget book and fiscal supplements.

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[Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Professor Biman Prasad]

He adds that the booklet will also address the misinformation created by some mischievous politicians and those on social media.

“So it’s important for us as a government to constantly, you know, put out information that will be useful, that people will be able to read. So I would encourage all the citizens, this budget would be, the citizen’s budget is also available online.”

Prasad says that people can download the Citizens’ Guide from the Ministry of Finance website, and hard copies have also been printed.

He is urging community leaders, non-governmental organizations, and civil society organizations to help distribute the copies to grassroots communities.

Fiji Council of Social Services Executive Director Vani Catanasiga says the launch of this booklet demonstrates the government’s efforts to restore integrity in public finance management.

[Fiji Council of Social Services Executive Director Vani Catanasiga]

“And I think this is a really great way that government is working, is exemplifying perhaps that goal that they’ve constantly talked about. But one of the ways that they have manifested that political will is to publish this Citizens’ Guide. I’m looking at the content and it’s getting better every year.”

Catanasiga adds that the booklet will be useful in their post-budget workshops.