
2024-2025 National Budget passed

July 12, 2024 6:22 am

Aerial shot of Parliament [Source: Parliament of the Republic of Fiji/ Facebook]

The 2024-25 national budget has been passed after four days of robust discussion.

The bill number 7 of 2024 to appropriate the sum of $3,955,819,479 for the year ending 31 July 2025 was read a third time by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Professor Biman Prasad  before a vote was taken.

39 members voted in favour of the bill, 11 voted otherwise while two abstained.

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The Independent MPs who voted for the budget are Aliki Bia, Mosese Bulitavu, Shalen Kumar, Ioane Naivalurua, Viliame Naupoto, Penioni Ravunawa, Taito Rokomatu, Alipate Tuicolo, Naisa Tuinaceva and Ratu Josaia Niudamu.

Speaker Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu thanked members of parliament for their contributions.

He acknowledges the Finance Minister for the successful passing of the budget.

Parliament will resume today.