
Vanuabalavu Vision Limited achieves milestone

July 22, 2024 6:13 am

[Source: Supplied]

Vanuabalavu Vision Limited, established in 2019, has made significant progress with the official opening of the Vanuabalavu House in Nasese.

The company raised $3.2 million to invest in this newly opened property, marking a substantial step in generating income for the Vanuabalavu people.

Board Chair Saimoni Vuatalevu expressed his pride in this achievement, noting that the current valuation of the company’s assets stands at $12 million.

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“At this point, I want to express our gratitude to the directors of the company who have passed on for their contribution in the initial formation of the company and its sound progress over the years.”

BSP representative Ashneel Dutt, while officiating at the event, praised the Vanuabalavu community for their vision and dedication. He further highlighted that Vanuabalavu House stands as an example of progress and a symbol of the strength and resilience of indigenous-owned businesses in Fiji.

The district house is owned by the two districts, Lomaloma and Mualevu.