
Toyota Tsusho ceases Yamaha Power Products sales

May 14, 2024 3:34 pm

[File Photo]

Toyota Tsusho says it will no longer be selling Yamaha Power Products in the Pacific Islands region, including generators and water pumps.

In a market announcement the company’s chief executive and director, Ronald Kumar says this decision is due to Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd discontinuing its Power Products business in this area.

Kumar says it is worth noting that YMC has already stopped producing Power Products for this region.

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He says the company understands this may concern their customers who have purchased Yamaha Power Products from them.

Kumar adds that their warranty will remain valid, provided the product is used per the conditions outlined in the owner’s manual.

He states the warranty duration is determined by the terms specified in the purchase contract.

Kumar further says the company is committed to ensuring that spare parts for Yamaha Power Products will remain available for the next ten years, subject to supplier availability.