
Tourism Fiji seeks budget boost amidst competitive landscape

June 10, 2024 4:37 pm

[Source: Tourism Fiji]

Tourism Fiji CEO Brent Hill hopes his organization gets a modest increase in funding.

As the anticipation builds for the announcement of the 2024–2025 national budget, Hill highlights the critical need for adequate resources to sustain and enhance their programs.

Hill also stresses the importance of continued investment in promoting Fiji to key markets, particularly Australia.

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Tourism Fiji CEO Brent Hill

He says with the evolving landscape of global tourism, it’s imperative that they stay competitive, as their success hinges on the ability to reach and engage with travellers, and this requires ongoing financial support.

“And we’ve got to support Fiji Airways when they go into their new markets. So from that perspective, you know, we’ve done really, really well since reopening. We just want to keep that going. That’s the real key thing. So we’ve got to keep investing. It’s a very competitive space that we’re in.”

In the previous budget cycle, Tourism Fiji was allocated $7 million for its operating grant and $30 million for marketing initiatives.

However, recognizing the intensifying competition in the tourism sector, Hill emphasizes the necessity for a budgetary boost to effectively execute its promotional strategies and maintain Fiji’s appeal as a premier destination.