
Significant business leads for Fijian exporters

June 3, 2024 10:37 am

[Source: Supplied]

Fijian exporters who participated in the recent Fiji North-America Business Mission have garnered substantial interest and leads, proving the mission to be highly successful.

The mission to USA and Canada aimed to expand the reach of local exporters and build valuable international connections for them.

Organic fertilizer company, Sea & Soil Redox Refinery Pte Ltd, Director, Rohini Hamid says she gained a deeper understanding of the North American market, particularly in the areas of sustainability and ethical sourcing.

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Ranviz Farm Fresh Produce, Director, Avnil Kumar also shared his experience saying the event gave them the exposure to see where their business has the potential to hit the market.

Kumar says it is important to maintain healthy and professional business relationships, focusing on business ethics.

Pleass Global Limited, was represented by their Business Development Manager, Colton Pleass, who also expressed optimism.

The Business Mission to North-America was held from 4th to 14th May, 2024.

The Mission was facilitated by Investment Fiji, in collaboration with the Ministry of Trade, Cooperatives, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, and Communications, and the Fiji Trade Commission North America.