
Robert Oliver launches cookbook

August 29, 2024 10:30 am

A cookbook which has over 130 recipes from the popular TV series Pacific Island Food Revolution, compiled by famed New Zealand Chef Robert Oliver, was launched at Eden’s Restaurant in Suva last night.

The book is titled, “Eat Pacific: The Pacific Island Food Revolution Cookbook” which is a celebration of the vibrant culinary traditions across the Pacific.

Robert Oliver says the cookbook highlights locally sourced nutritious ingredients that honors our heritage and promotes healthier food choices in Pacific Island Countries.

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Oliver believes the delicacies deserves to be featured everywhere, as they are superfood cuisines and its benefits extend beyond the culture and tradition of the Pacific.

“Cookbooks they package up things in a way that glamorizes them and glamour is a really important part of this because we’re trying to say this the Fijian food, the Samoan food, all the Pacific Island foods belong on at every table you know in industry and in homes and in church fairs and in schools and in prisons and in hospitals and all of that.”

Oliver emphasizes the potential of delicacies from Pacific Island Countries, saying that it may eventually run the economy in PICs as it is in other countries.

The crusader for local cuisine, Robert Oliver acknowledges the support from his friends and families who assisted him in reflecting on a powerful theme of love, “The love for our own food and people”.

The compilation of the cookbook was supported by the Asia Foundation.