
PAFCO thrives amid global tuna supply challenges

February 20, 2024 6:44 am

Pacific Fishing Company Limited has seen a significant improvement in the supply of tuna last month and has remained operational throughout, despite the global challenge.

This has been highlighted by PAFCO Chief Executive Saiyad Raiyum, as 2023 was known to be the worst year in terms of worldwide tuna supply.

He says that despite the global challenges and PAFCO not owning a fishing boat, the company remains resilient after making changes to its procurement strategy.

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“Right now, the supply of tuna has recently improved significantly around the world, and we are seeing substantial improvements in terms of supply and the availability of all raw materials. That is the whole reason for the supply in terms of canned products, which is why you see nothing missing on the shelves”

Raiyum says though many workplaces face shortages of staff and expertise, PAFCO has maintained full operation with around 650 staff during the pandemic until now.

“Where a lot of employers in Viti Levu are still crying for lost jobs due to migration, lots of employment is going out, and there are a lot of vacancies. We only face some of that in the technical areas, but in a very limited number. We are pleased with the supply of staff that we have on the island of Ovalau, and we are very thankful to those communities and villages that contribute to our work.”

PAFCO and Punjas have also launched their Sunbell 50th Anniversary promotion for their customers, which will run for 6 weeks.

But due to the improvement in tuna supply globally, PAFCO has recently also launched two of its new products to the Sunbell family, which are the Lomaiviti special and the curry tuna flakes.