
Outsourcing sector shines at Global Trade event

July 2, 2024 5:44 am

[Source: Supplied]

Fiji’s outsourcing industry took centre stage at the 9th Global Trade Aid for Review in Geneva, Switzerland.

Representing the achievements of the Australian Government’s Market Development Facility in Fiji, Outsource Fiji showcased the impressive growth and innovation in the sector.

The event, hosted by the World Trade Organisation provided a platform for Indo-Pacific voices to share their stories and insights on a global scale.

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[Source: Supplied]

In a session titled “Voices of the Indo-Pacific – A Deep-Dive into the Market Development Facility in Timor-Leste and Fiji, Outsource Executive Director Sagufta Janif highlighted that the industry has demonstrated incredible resilience and growth, particularly during challenging times.

Janif says the industry has become a sought-after destination for risk-diversification outsourcing, with strategic support from the Australian Government’s MDF and the Fiji Government.

Janif says this growth has resulted in the creation of numerous job opportunities and the establishment of a sustainable economic ecosystem in Fiji.

Fiji’s outsourcing industry employs approximately 70 percent women.