
Key appointments prioritize expertise over politics

January 15, 2024 5:53 am

Sugar Minister Charan Jeath Singh

Minister for Sugar Charan Jeath Singh has emphasized that recent appointments within the sector are purely based on merit and dedication to the industry’s revival.

The notable appointments include Nitya Reddy as the new Chairman of South Pacific Fertilizers Ltd, Ahemad Bhamji taking the helm as the Chairman of the Sugar Cane Growers Fund (SCGF), and Prattick Shamal Singh joining the SCGF Board of Directors.

Singh clarified that these appointments are not influenced by political considerations, highlighting that the appointees come from various parties but have consistently supported efforts to rejuvenate the sugar industry.

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He adds that the appointed individuals, irrespective of their political affiliations, are expected to bring valuable insights and dedication to their respective roles.

The merit-based approach is anticipated to contribute positively to the ongoing efforts to uplift the sugar industry, fostering an environment where expertise and commitment take precedence over political considerations.