
Kava cookies win hearts and palates

March 4, 2024 10:58 am

Ana Geli Malumuvatu is the driving force behind Kavalicious Taveuni, a venture that began with a $1000 investment from FNPF in 2020, steering through the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Starting this business journey with her brother in Taveuni, Ana invested in wholesale Yaqona and spent a year cultivating the Kasa or Yaqona roots.

Their dream of a Kava bar became a reality in 2021 but joy was cut short as pandemic restrictions led to a temporary shutdown just two weeks later.

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And, undeterred by setbacks brought innovation to the forefront with a groundbreaking product – Kava cookies.

This culinary delight blends Kava with everyday ingredients like wheat flour, white and brown sugar, dairy-free butter, choc-chip, cinnamon, sea salt and baking powder.

Inspired by her nighttime fishing experiences and the inconvenience of traditional grog tools, Ana envisioned Kava cookies as a hassle-free alternative.

Despite starting with minimal resources, Ana’s determination shines as she shares her vision aiming to acquire specialized machinery for efficient production.

Managed by a dedicated team of eight individuals, Kavalicious Taveuni found success at the Departure Lodge at the airport supplying 200 packets a month to Prouds.

Their special packet includes five Kava cookies each with detailed ingredient information.

From Ana’s kitchen to a commercial space serving as a kitchen and a Kava bar, Kavalicious Taveuni’s journey mirrors the entrepreneur’s commitment to delivering a unique Fijian culinary experience.