
Investment Group plans more development

January 4, 2024 12:11 pm

[File Photo]

David Group is about to start an ambitious project to build a state-of-the-art smart city, which is a vision that will change the way people live.

According to David Group consultant Sandeep Singh, the project which is currently in the planning stages, aims to usher in a new era of efficiency, sustainability, and connectedness by creating a digitalized city that merges residential areas, shopping centres, and workplaces.

Singh says that the idea of a “smart city” combines cutting-edge technology with creative infrastructure to improve the standard of living for locals and promote economic development.

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“And that’s why we’re trying our best to bring. And I believe that people of Fiji now to understand, people of Fiji should see that how can we support projects that overall benefits them.”

The consultants further say that one key aspect of the project is the emphasis on community engagement and benefits.

Singh is adamant that the project will be finalized after he visits China this month.