
High returnees for Castaway Island

July 3, 2024 12:08 pm

Castaway Island resort

Castaway Island has been enjoying high returnees as over 30% come back for holidays.

General Manager Steven Andrews says some of their guests first visited as toddlers and are now adolescents.

He says the phenomenon of multi-generational travel is particularly pronounced at Castaway Island, with guests frequently revisiting alongside their parents and grandparents.

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Water park

According to Andrews, they have guests who have come to Castaway’s shores more than 50 times.

“Whilst we are blessed with natural surroundings we have beautiful oceans and the colour of the oceans and with a beautiful island nice sandy beaches and that but I think you know what they really come back to the east because of the hospitality that our staff provide for them.”

Andrews stresses that return guests play a pivotal role in the tourism industry, indicating not only satisfaction but also a willingness to recommend the destination to others.

Andrews emphasizes that each return visit reaffirms Castaway Island’s reputation as a premier holiday destination, where personalized attention and memorable experiences are paramount.