
Government eyes cosmetic surgery market

August 9, 2024 2:00 pm

[Source: Tourism Fiji/ Facebook]

The government recognizes medical tourism as a billion-dollar industry.

Tourism Minister Viliame Gavoka says Fiji offers extensive concessions to investors.

He states that it also makes it an attractive destination for tourism-related developments including medical facilities.

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Independent MP Faiyaz Koya recently raised the potential of medical tourism, emphasizing cosmetic surgery as one of its most lucrative aspects.

He questioned whether the government would ensure that the Ministry of Finance provides the necessary incentives for private sector investments in specialized hospitals, noting that there is significant interest in this area.

Gavoka confirms that Fiji is already seen as one of the most favourable destinations for tourism investments, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

He states that these concessions also extend to medical tourism ventures.

Gavoka reveals that an Australian-based operation is set to open a five-star or six-star resort on the Coral Coast, which will include cosmetic surgery services adhering to Australian standards.

The Minister also reiterated the need to have proper legislative framework in place to regulate reconstructive surgeries and other medical procedures to ensure compliance with the law.

Gavoka adds that the government is aware of the growing interest in combining medical procedures with a vacation experience such as cosmetic surgery and is considering conducting a survey to determine the needs and incentives required to attract more investors.