
Collective endeavour to tackle brain drain issue

November 17, 2023 6:23 am

The Employment Ministry is planning to organize a crucial gathering of stakeholders in the coming months to address the enduring challenge of brain drain.

Although the October economic review data released by the Reserve Bank of Fiji suggests a decline in residents departing for employment, contrasting figures by the Fiji Bureau of Statistics indicate that over 1000 Fijians departed the country in September alone to work overseas for varying timeframes.

Employment Minister Agni Deo Singh says efforts are underway to formulate a comprehensive plan to effectively tackle the issue of brain drain.

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“We are looking at the Human Resource Development Plan, whereby we can determine which areas need what kind of numbers, and that is how we are going to provide opportunities for training.”

Singh says industries also need to take the lead in investing in their workforce through in-house training and apprenticeships.

“There are certain industries that are already having their own in-house training programs. I know in the hospitality sector, some hotels are taking in new workers and training them themselves, which is very, very encouraging and we would like to see a lot of that happening.”

He says the government seeks to foster an environment conducive to open dialogue, idea exchange, and the formulation of concrete strategies.