
Bus operators commend school transport assistance

July 2, 2024 11:02 am

Lautoka Bus Stand

The Fiji Bus Operators Association has commended the coalition government’s 2024-25 National Budget.

President Richard Lal says bus operators recognize that any government must work to balance national priorities and aspirations within financial and resource constraints.

Lal says increase in the allocation for transport assistance for school children is commendable.

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The students’ transport assistance has increased from $20 million to $37 million.

Lal states this will enable the Government to cover full fares for school children as agreed between bus operators and the Government, effective from August 1st.

He says for more than 50 years, bus operators have carried school children at 50 percent discount and they acknowledge the Government for recognizing that it is the social responsibility of the State – and not private enterprises such as the bus industry to provide such assistance.