A 76 percent pass rate has been recorded in the Fiji Year 12 Certificate Examination with the results released in the last hour.
A total of 12,858 students sat for examinations last year.
The pass rate in 2023 stood at 74 percent.
According to the Education Ministry, three secondary schools achieved a 100 percent pass rate which includes Yasawa North Secondary School, Wainimakutu Secondary School and Labasa College.
Minister Aseri Radrodro says three, government schools are equally commended as they improved and attained more than 95 percent pass rate in this examination.
The schools are Bucalevu Secondary School and Adi Cakobau School which attained 98% percent pass rate while Labasa College attained 100 percent pass rate.
Radrodro has congratulated all Year 12 students for their hard work and achievements.
He also extended appreciation to all the teachers, parents and guardians who have played a crucial role in guiding and assisting our students throughout their academic journey.
The provisional results will be released online and can be accessed through the link www.examresults.gov.fj.
All Year 12 students can use their Examination Code Number and personal credentials to access their results.
However, students who do not have internet access can obtain the results from their respective schools or District Education Office.
Students who wish to apply for a recount or a remark can submit an application at the Examinations and Assessment Office at Gohil Building or at their nearest District Education Office.