
Private security industry undervalued

October 23, 2024 11:24 am

[Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

The National Security and Defense Review team in their report have highlighted that private security industry is overlooked and undervalued but are a key player in the security sector.

During the launch of the report yesterday, Editorial Chair Professor Satish Chand says the private security industry are the first point of contact or first responders in the protection of private and public property, business houses, and critical infrastructure.

He says they should therefore be included as an integral part of Fiji’s protective security framework and be supported by appropriate legislation and regulations.

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[Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

The report says that more than 3,000 security providers operate in Fiji yet only 35 private security companies are registered with the Security Industry Licensing Board.

The unregistered security providers operate without a Security Master License and often provide services outside of their approved security activities.

[Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

These companies are non-compliant with the Security Industry Act of 2010 which is outdated and needs an urgent review.

The report states that as of June this year, Cabinet approved the drafting of an updated Security Industry Act.

[Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

The Law Reform Commission will provide expertise in legal drafting and the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration will find a subject matter expert to provide expertise in the review.

It says technical support including the use of emerging technology to support the industry is being explored.

The report further says that improved regulation is also needed to ensure the private security industry operates efficiently and effectively.

There is a need to mitigate the threat of trusted insiders within the private security industry, particularly in the security of critical infrastructure and in the storage of dangerous goods example explosives at mine sites.