
TLTB proposes land use master plan

October 7, 2024 4:43 pm

[File Photo]

The iTaukei Land Trust Board has developed a proposed master plan for key corridors in Fiji, including the greater Suva area and Pacific Harbour to Korovou.

Chief Executive Solomoni Nata says these master plans focus on comprehensive land use development, especially in rural areas, integrating all stakeholders into the planning process.

Nata says the TLTB’s land use plans aim to guide landowners in decision-making, as it has been identified that while landowners possess the land, they often lack capital and proper guidance.

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“They have the land. What we need to provide them is a plan and also a capital. They have the land; they lack the capital. So what we are doing is once we have the land use plan, then we will zoom down to the land use plan. We are already providing the capital for them under the Itaukei Welfare.”

Nata also pointed out that there is a lack of proper valuation for native forests, which presents challenges in understanding the true economic value of these resources.

The TLTB is stressing the importance of monitoring the implementation of land use plans to ensure sustainability and benefit to all stakeholders.