
Ali seeks U.S. support for workforce upskilling

October 7, 2024 2:58 pm

[Source: Ministry of Trade, Co-operatives, SMEs and Communications/ Facebook]

Permanent Secretary for Trade Shaheen Ali has asked the United States for stronger partnerships to upskill the workforce and prepare Fiji for future economic challenges.

Ali made the comment while speaking at a high-level panel discussion on U.S. economic engagement in the Pacific.

The Permanent Secretary says U.S. academics and institutions can link up with local universities to help upskill locals for future economic challenges.

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[Source: Ministry of Trade, Co-operatives, SMEs and Communications/ Facebook]

He stressed the importance of workforce transformation and digital governance training to equip Fiji’s young population with the skills needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving global economy.

He noted that collaboration with the U.S. would not only strengthen Fiji’s position but also contribute to broader regional initiatives focused on economic integration and sustainable growth.

[Source: Ministry of Trade, Co-operatives, SMEs and Communications/ Facebook]

The panel discussions provided Fiji with an opportunity for meaningful discussions with U.S. representatives on economic development strategies, trade relations, and future partnerships.