
Audit conducted on FICAC’s organizational structure

October 4, 2024 1:44 pm

Fiji Independent Commission against Corruption Commissioner Barbara Malimali has conducted her audit into the organizational structure.

The finding reveal that FICAC had conducted the biggest recruitment drive.

According to FICAC, 44 officers were recruited between January and September this year bringing the total staff roll to 154 officers.

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Malimali says 18 percent of the recruitment were for positions within the investigation department, 23 percent within the Legal & Prosecution Department, 16 percent recruitment were for positions with the Corruption Prevention Department.

She adds that 11 percent of the recruitment were for positions with the Administration Department, seven percent of the recruitment were for positions reporting directly to the Office of the Commissioner and two percent of the recruitment was for a position in the Finance Department.

Malimali says justification provided for the recruitment was the need for more investigators due to the limited manpower in the Investigation Department.

She says for instance, there were only two investigators based in the FICAC Labasa Office whereby Investigators from the FICAC Headquarters and Lautoka Officer were temporarily posted to Labasa on a quarterly basis to assist in the investigation of cases.

Furthermore, she says due to the strategic plan launch in February this year, there were changes in the organizational structure.

She says this includes the creation of a new unit within the Investigation Department known as the Economic Crime Unit, establishment of new positions reporting directly to the Commissioner and the segregation of the Legal and Prosecution Unit to have four more other units within the department.

These are the Complaints Unit, Prosecution Unit, Appeals Unit and the Economic Crime Unit.

She adds recruitment was also done to fill in positions left vacant after the resignation of officers, relation of officers to a different department and the termination of officers.