
Telegram misuse sparks concerns

September 24, 2024 4:46 pm

The misuse of the messaging app Telegram for sharing explicit images of young women and girls who originally shared these images privately with trusted individuals has reached alarming levels.

This issue has also raised serious concerns about online safety and the protection of minors.

The Online Safety Commission has reported an increase in image-based abuse complaints particularly among victims who are below the age of 18.

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However, Commissioner Tajeshwari Devi has raised concerns regarding the app’s response to these complaints.

She remains optimistic that recent amendments to Telegram’s platform will lead to improved cooperation in addressing these complaints.

“But we saw recent news last week that they are ending end-to-end encryption. End-to-end encryption means that they do not interfere with private messages. Now, if we flag any issues to them regarding illicit content or anything else, they will respond to us.”

She also sheds light on the critical issue of parental support, noting that many cases of image-based abuse go unreported

“There were cases that we would have investigated further, but the parent did not allow us to proceed. This raises another issue: when we want to conduct a more in-depth investigation if the parent or guardian says no, we are unable to continue.”

Devi adds they will continue to foster a safer online environment for all users.