
New initiatives to foster developments

September 21, 2024 12:40 pm

New initiatives aimed at promoting economic development and rehabilitation are expected to benefit the people of Koro.

With a population of 3,967, these efforts seek to decentralize development from urban centers, fostering opportunities in rural areas to deter migration to the mainland, particularly among the younger generation.

Koro Island Divisional Officer Salanieta Baleigau highlights some of the developments that are currently underway.

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“We have some plans like building a grog pounding machine, a tire center, and then coming up with a resource center for women. And for our youth, we are planning to build a gym and also a vocational school whereby we can help upgrade our future, especially the future of Koro Island.”

Baleigau states that there are also plans in mind for young school leavers whereby vocational schools will be introduced to enhance traditional and handicraft knowledge.

Minister for Justice Siromi Turaga says that witnessing these remarkable achievements is quite satisfactory.

“Given the limited resources, only six government officers can cover the whole of Koro. As you can see, it’s quite difficult. But then you see the school results for Koro High of last year, and then this, and of course, given the high economic activity, we expect to see there is going to be remarkable growth on Koro Island.”

The development plans are designed to create lasting change by enhancing the island’s infrastructure, building economic resilience, and preserving the cultural heritage of Koro Island.