[Source: Tourism Fiji]
Tourism Fiji Chief Operating Officer Leigh Howard stresses it’s imperative that while we offer the best experiences to our visitors, we also protect the natural beauty that draws them here.
Howard emphasizes the importance of balancing economic growth with ecological preservation to address environmental challenges while enhancing visitor experiences.
He outlines the organization’s initiatives aimed at reducing waste, promoting recycling, and educating both industry partners and visitors on the environmental impact of tourism.
“I think being a tourism board the best assets that we bring to the table is marketing Fiji as a destination and if we are not careful there will come a time where there won’t be any assets. There will come a time when our future generation will be asking the question what our forefathers and previous people in power did and certainly, that conviction with me today is to ensure that we can continue to have a future and promote and market Fiji as a destination.”
Tanoa Hotel Group Area General Manager, Narend Kumar says their greatest challenges today, not just as an industry but as citizens, is waste.
Kumar states we must find innovative ways to reduce, reuse, or repurpose it.
He adds that their goal is to ensure that what is taken from the environment is managed sustainably, so we do not harm future generations.