
No report yet says Police

September 19, 2024 12:13 pm

[Source: Miss Hibiscus Festival/ Facebook]

There has not been any Police report filed to date about claims of harassment of contestants at the recent Hibiscus Festival.

This comes after claims have surfaced that more than one girl could have faced some sort of harassment during the final night of the Hibiscus Festival is now underway.

One contestant has come out to allege that she was touched inappropriately after the crowning ceremony.

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The man is believed to have been intoxicated and was later thought to have been escorted out by SCC Administrator, Opetaia Ravai.

While this has come to the attention of the public, there are now talks that two more contestants have spoken about being uncomfortable with actions of some.

Police say it has not received any complaint from any of the parties involved with the pageant.

We have reached out to SCC for a comment.