
Scholarships for industry training

September 18, 2024 5:51 am

[Source: VPT]

The government has awarded scholarships to 300 students for industry-based training.

It also allows them to earn Certificates or Diplomas with companies such as Energy Fiji Limited and Telecom.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Professor Biman Prasad says the government has also introduced the Hardship Assistance Scheme.

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This program, he says is designed to support private students who excel academically but face financial challenges beyond their control.

The Minister says that the Hardship Assistance Scheme will benefit students at all levels, from Diploma programs to Degree courses, offering them much-needed financial relief.

According to Prof Prasad, the Coalition Government’s efforts to close the gap between education and employment include allocating $150 million to the Tertiary Scholarship and Loan Scheme (TSLS).

He states that these new programs represent more than just an investment in education—they demonstrate the government’s commitment to equipping people with skills, education and employment opportunities.

These efforts are aligned with the goals outlined in the new National Development Plan for 2025-2029 and Vision 2050.

Additionally, the government’s Back-to-School Support Payment of $200 per student, for families earning less than $50,000 annually, was highlighted as part of its broader commitment to ensuring students have the resources they need for their education.

Professor Prasad shared these announcements while addressing students, teachers and alumni during the Waidina College Golden Jubilee celebrations last week.