
Night market to support SMEs

July 31, 2024 6:07 am

Renowned supermarket Kundan Singh yesterday organized its first night market with an aim to provide platforms to small businesses to showcase their products.

Operations Manager, Pawan Singh says that organizing such events is part of their community work and also for the residents of Tamavua.

He adds that the event is going to be successful as they are receiving positive feedback from the small business operators.

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Singh stresses the importance of companies embracing a holistic approach to business.

“So, for us, sometimes with business, it’s not always about the bottom line. So, for our benefit as well, it’s just giving back to the community. Like, in the private sector and as business people, it’s not always about the bottom line.”

Singh says that they are inspired by the overseas platforms on how they are promoting their SMEs, and they are willing to organize more in the coming months.

He encourages people with small businesses to take up such platforms as an opportunity to showcase their products and gain recognition.