
Frank Hilton urges additional capacity support

July 12, 2024 12:00 pm

[Source: Frank Hilton Organization Fiji/ Facebook]

The Frank Hilton Organization requires additional capacity to manage an increase in caseloads.

The Frank Hilton Organization is dedicated to addressing the needs of children with disabilities and their families by providing them with the required services.

Chief Executive Sureni Jayaweera says there is a twenty percent increase in cases, emphasizing the need for financial and professional resources to adequately support these children.

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She adds that the organization is working along its capacity development model to ensure quality services are provided to the children.

“The biggest challenge for us is filling the gaps in the professional capacity within the organization. Even in caregivers, we have a high turnover within the Hilton home, where we take on qualified caregivers, and then upskill and train them through the allied health specialists here. And within a few months or a year, we find that they migrate.”

Jayaweera says that she is hopeful their recommendations will be considered by the government.

“So we submit our budget submissions annually. We send in our recommendations whenever there is an EOI, and every year we work closely with relevant ministries to provide advice and experience from the ground so that that can go towards policy decisions. Yes, so we continue; as I said before, we continue to receive baseline.”

Frank Hilton stresses that there is a need to support people with disabilities by promoting inclusivity within societies.