
Celine Dion reportedly performing in 'limited' Las Vegas shows

July 6, 2024 2:29 pm

[Source: 1News]

The 56-year-old singer has been absent from the stage for four years as she battled stiff-person syndrome – a progressive neurological disorder that affects her muscles – but a new report suggests she is hoping to make a big return later this year with a series of concerts at the Resorts World Theatre in Sin City around the time the Formula 1 Grand Prix is being held there in November.

A source told the US Sun: “Celine is coming back to perform. It is hush hush at the moment, but an announcement is imminent.

“Celine has signed off on singing again to audiences in November. She has worked incredibly hard to get back to a place where she can sing well and for some period of time.

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“She believes that she is ready to perform for over an hour… She never gave up and has been working in secret for months on her vocal strength and control.

“It started out as small sessions with her musicians at her home and has now grown into being able to sing a number of songs in a row to a standard she feels excited and content with.”

The concerts are reportedly being organised by promoter AEG and there are said to be plans in place to push them back to a later date in 2025 if Dion suffers a health setback.

The report suggests the singer will start with a “short run at first” to allow her to get back to performing with the shows being kept to 70-minute sets.

She’s believed to have been rehearsing with a band of musicians for the last eight months while she’s also been working with voice therapists to help get her famous voice back after years of ill health.