
Mabe Pearl farming gets a boost

June 4, 2024 2:44 pm

[Source: Ministry of Fisheries, Fiji/ Facebook]

The Ministry of Fisheries and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research are intensifying their support for Mabe pearl farming in the Western and Northern Divisions.

The recent visits to community-based farms aimed to assess progress and engage locals to enhance productivity and sustainability.

In the Western Division, promising results at Togovere Youth Group and Malake Community farms have led to plans for expanding oyster stock.

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[Source: Ministry of Fisheries, Fiji/ Facebook]

The Ministry will deploy ten additional lines later this year to bolster production.

During the inspections, five farms were evaluated, highlighting the importance of regularly monitoring and collecting penguin oysters from the wild.

A significant milestone was achieved at Navunievu Mabe Farm in Bua, where 130 penguin oysters were implanted for pearl production.

Community members also received training to refine their farming techniques.

Earlier this year, three Mabe farms in Vanua Levu Navunievu, Navatudua Women’s Group, and Drodromalua Women’s Group received revenue from pearl sales, encouraging further production.

The ongoing support from the Ministry of Fisheries and ACIAR is expected to strengthen the Mabe pearl industry, providing sustainable income and growth for these communities.