
Tourism Fiji targets Australia

June 2, 2024 12:27 pm

[Source: Tourism Fiji]

Tourism Fiji believes that Fiji can still get more out of Australia in terms of visitor arrivals.

Chief Executive Brent Hill says they are gearing up for a crucial fiscal year ahead, poised to strategically market Fiji to emerging tourist sources and expand marketing in Australia.

He highlights the importance of this endeavour, stressing the need for an increased budget to bolster Tourism Fiji’s promotional efforts.

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He believes that although Australia is already contributing 45 percent of Fiji’s visitors, this number can be further improved.

“In terms of growth, we want more growth out of Australia, and to do that, we need to invest.”

Tourism Fiji Chief Executive Brent Hill

Hill highlights that Fiji Airways is positioning itself for expansion in the US market and what it means for Tourism Fiji is to be ready to support this move.

“We know that Fiji Airways is looking ahead to new ports out of the US into Fiji, so from that perspective, we want to have the funding to really support that and make sure that anytime Fiji Airways goes and opens a new route, it will work really well.”

In the last budget, Tourism Fiji was allocated an operating grant of $7.0 million, and to support new marketing strategies, an increased marketing grant of $30 million was provided to them.

The new budget will be announced on the 28th of month.