
Woman alleges abandonment by officers at Nasinu Police Station

May 6, 2024 6:56 am

[Source: Facebook]

The Valelevu Police Station in Nasinu has come under public scrutiny after a woman alleges officers denied her a statement.

The incident happened over the weekend, when a woman went viral on social media as she sought police help for an alleged dispute with her defector partner, believed to be a police officer.

The woman alleges she was told at the station by a particular officer that she is still legally married, hence the reason her statement will not be taken.

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She claims she spent more than five hours at the station without anyone attending to her and her children.

She also alleged that she was told not to use her mobile phone as she was trying to contact relatives for help at the station.

The woman alleges that it was not until she told officers that she was going to contact a high-ranking official within the force that the officers at the station tried to intervene.

The police have earlier said they are investigating the matter between the woman and her partner.

It also said that it is investigating the claims raised by the victim regarding the behaviour of the officers at the Valelevu Police Station.

FBC News is trying to get the latest developments about this case.