
Vosarogo backs youth in Anti-Corruption

March 28, 2024 5:36 am

[Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

Minister for Lands Filimoni Vosarogo says the Fiji Government is committed to support the battle towards finding ways to eradicate corruption from the Blue Pacific.

Speaking at a one-day workshop to unpack the youth vision for a corruption resilient Blue Pacific, Vosarogo says such events help identify pertinent issues that need strengthening of anti-corruption policies in the Pacific.

Vosarogo told the youths that they will get a greater understanding on the challenges posed by corruption in the region today.

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[Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

He advised youths to be an organized powerful voice of a corruption free Pacific.

The Students Association of University of the South Pacific, and the United Nation Development Programme Pacific Office, catered the workshop.