
Charges against Saneem consolidated

March 19, 2024 11:24 am

Former Supervisor of Elections Mohammed Saneem and his lawyer Devanesh Sharma in court today

Former Supervisor of Elections Mohammed Saneem has been served the complete set of disclosures today.

The substantive matter in this case is set to be heard before Chief Magistrate Waleen George.

During today’s proceedings, DPP counsel Nancy Tikoisuva that informed the court that charges have been filed with the exception of an affidavit which is yet to be submitted.

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Allegations against Saneem suggest that he solicited and received a corrupt benefit for personal gain while serving as Supervisor of Elections.

It is alleged that between June 1, 2022 and July 31, 2022, Saneem in his capacity as a public official unlawfully sought and received a benefit exceeding $50,000 in deductible tax relief on his back pay from a senior government official.

This case was heard before Magistrate Namrata Mishra this morning.

In a separate case, former Attorney-General and Economy Minister Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum stands accused of authorizing government payment of taxes for Saneem without requisite approval from the Constitutional Offices Commission and the President.

He faces a single charge of abuse of office.

Sayed-Khaiyum received full disclosures pertaining to the case today.

Devanesh Sharma and his associate Gul Fatima are representing the duo in this case.

The case has been adjourned to April 9.