
Fiji’s first foreign policy white paper

February 18, 2024 7:04 am

The committee will be led by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr Lesikimacuata Korovavala [left] and will report to Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sitiveni Rabuka

The Fiji Government has commenced a process to develop its first Foreign Policy White Paper.

The Paper will articulate foreign policy priorities and guide Fiji’s international engagement into the future.

The development of the White Paper will be a whole of government process.

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It will be overseen by a steering committee, which will report to Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sitiveni Rabuka.

The committee will be led by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr Lesikimacuata Korovavala, and include several Permanent Secretaries and prominent persons with experience in foreign relations.

The White Paper will draw on expertise from within Fiji and across the region.

It will also be informed by consultations with key stakeholders.