
My loyalty lies with Rabuka: Kamikamica

January 21, 2024 12:39 pm

Deputy Prime Minister Manoa Kamikamica

Deputy Prime Minister Manoa Kamikamica says he has not been approached by Social Democratic Liberal Party members for him to assume the role of Prime Minister.

However, Kamikamica has told FBC News that they have one Prime Minister, who is Sitiveni Rabuka.

Kamikamica says Rabuka is the Leader of the People’s Coalition Government and also the leader of the People’s Alliance.

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The DPM stresses that his loyalty always lies with Rabuka.

Kamikamica says they share the dream to rebuild Fiji for future generations.

SODELPA’s Working Committee met yesterday to discuss Rabuka’s decision to dismiss Education Minister Aseri Radrodro from cabinet.

Following the meeting General Secretary Viliame Takayawa says they will make proposals to SODELPA’s Management Board during their meeting on Friday.

Takayawa says one of the proposal is for Prime Minister Rabuka to vacate his seat and the role be given to DPM Kamikamica.

The working committee will also propose that the dismissed Education Minister, Radrodro, maintain his ministerial portfolio until Friday.