
Tavo highlights staff empowerment amidst brain drain pressures

December 13, 2023 6:27 am

Deputy Secretary for Operations at Public Works and Meteorological Services George Tavo

Two crucial sectors, the Ministry of Public Works and the Fiji Meteorological Services, will undertake job evaluations to strengthen capacity and retain their workforce.

Both acknowledge the challenge of brain drain, as employees seek better opportunities elsewhere.

Deputy Secretary for Operations at Public Works and Meteorological Services George Tavo, emphasizes their commitment to providing more opportunities for staff to encourage retention.

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He highlights that specialized personnel are being attracted to international markets due to high demand.

“Offers that’s coming from overseas and also in the private sector are quite huge as well. It’s having an impact on the ministry, but we have no choice but to continue and ensure that we empower our staff, professional staff.”

Tavo says they are working on a strategic plan to ensure their services are not disrupted in the event staff decided to leave.

“We can’t really stop that if people are willing to move; you know, all we can do is ensure that there’s a mechanism of success and planning in the organizations to ensure that these services are not disrupted once this stuff actually leaves the organization.”

The Ministry reaffirms its commitment to the enhancement of staff welfare, ensuring a supportive and conducive work environment.