
Tikoduadua calls for urgent action to tackle drug crisis

November 25, 2023 7:58 am

Home Affairs Minister Pio Tikoduadua has declared the drug issue a national crisis, emphasizing the pressing need for a comprehensive solution to address the escalating challenges faced by the country.

The Police Force has recorded 1,564 drug-related cases, averaging 130 per month.

Minister Tikoduadua has expressed deep concern over the rising prevalence of drug-related problems, acknowledging the severe and far-reaching impact on communities, families, children, and individuals nationwide.

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“This has been ongoing for a very, very long time. To deny it means the diminishing of our values. This is something that this august house must take into cognizance together, work together, and get a solution. That is perhaps the challenge that I am putting to the house today, while we ask ourselves if we should be part of the solution as well.”

With the well-being of children at stake, the leader of the opposition, Inia Seruiratu, believes there is a need to relook at the juvenile act.

“One of the big delays in this whole work is the juvenile act because they are being used to take the drugs, but the juvenile act has a lot of complications in it, and I would like the Attorney General to seriously look into it.”

Tikoduadua has assured that he is looking into it.