
Guinness World Records day celebrates the super skilled and superlative

November 16, 2023 9:03 am

[Source: Reuters]

Britain’s Paul Swift has spent most of his life on two wheels – starting with the garden lawn mower.

Now he is among the super-skilled people, expert at doing unusual and difficult things that are being celebrated on Thursday by Guinness World Records Day.

Swift, who has graduated to driving a pick up truck on only two of its wheels managed a record-breaking squeeze through an 88-centimetre gap set up in a stunt area at Britain’s Silverstone race course.

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“I’ve been driving on two wheels since the age of seven – I started on the garden lawn mower – so to get a world record that recognises that is fantastic,” he said.

Guinness World Records Editor-in-Chief Craig Glenday, who was on hand to adjudicate Swift’s record ride, said this year’s theme is super skills.

“Guinness World Records Day is a global celebration of the superlative,” he said.

Other record-breakers being lauded include a team in Japan. It broke the record for consecutive, double-dutch-style handstand-skipping with two people, which involves skipping while performing handstands as ropes are turned in opposite directions.