Natural Disaster

Ba residents urged to take heed of TC warnings

November 14, 2023 8:53 am

Aerial shot of Ba Town

The Ba Town Council will soon be sending out emails and instructions for businesses to take heed of and prepare for Tropical Cyclone Mal.

Ba Special Administrators Chair Anil Amin says that as the Category 2 Cyclone is expected to pass by the west of Viti Levu later tonight, people should not be tricked by the current situation.

Amin says that despite the calm situation right now, people should not be complacent and take heed of the warnings.

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“This is exactly what Cyclone Winston has shown us. It was hot and sunshine in the morning, but as anticipated at the moment by the warning that has been given to us, I think after midday things will change. We only hope for the best for all of us, and we must ensure that we take heed of the warnings. People are sometimes relaxed; they feel it’s hot and sunshine and a cyclone will not come, but it’s a cyclone and anything can happen.”

Amin says people need to be prepared before the heavy rain and wind kicks in.

He is urging Fijians to cut tree branches close to their homes, store drinking water and prepare torches, lanterns, and safety kits, if the need arises.