
Colleagues celebrate 20 years of Diwali together

November 13, 2023 4:24 pm

Anu Singh and Milika Tabualevu, former colleagues at the Fiji Corrections Service have forged a bond transcending 20 years, celebrating Diwali as more than family friends.

Singh, retired for five years after a 38-year tenure welcomes Tabualevu and her family annually for this joyous occasion.

“My friends I always invite them to come and celebrate Diwali because this our most enjoyable time. We light Diya’s and celebrate Diwali and we are always happy to invite different cultures to come and celebrate.”

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Despite diverse backgrounds, Singh states that Diwali serves as a unifying force, fostering a sense of togetherness beyond race and religion.

Tabualevu expresses gratitude for their enduring friendship, emphasizing the festival’s role in maintaining their close bond.

“It’s a great time for me to relax and just to share with Anu about my work experiences and just have a good time.”

As families across the capital city open their doors to friends and loved ones, the festive spirit remains undeterred by adverse weather conditions.

Arendra Prasad hopes for unhindered celebrations, echoing the resilient spirit prevailing during Diwali.

“We will be celebrating Diwali and apart from that we wish everybody a happy Diwali.”

Newas Chandra shares a story of joy amid financial challenges, highlighting the essence of finding happiness in modest pleasures during the festival of lights.

“Slowly the money comes, buy the thing prepared like that, we can’t buy in bulk.”

Diwali, a jubilant celebration of Indian culture continues to illuminate hearts with its message of joy and unity transcending barriers and embracing diversity.