
Spartan event showcases hidden gems of Fiji

November 12, 2023 12:46 pm

Tourism Fiji CEO Brent Hill

The Spartan event currently underway in Sabeto showcases the hidden gem that is Fiji says Tourism Fiji CEO Brent Hill.

Hill, who actively participated in the 10km obstacle race, believes that events like these provide tourists with unique access to parts of the country they might not typically explore.

He says the Spartan event goes beyond being a mere race; it’s an opportunity for tourists to delve into the untouched beauty of Fiji.

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“Yeah, I think that’s one of the things that’s really important. You know, we know that people go to resorts and you know, they spend a lot of time in our beautiful oceans, but we want to open up some of the areas like in our hinterland. And you know, like today, even though it was really tough, everybody that was going up was like, wow, what a spectacular setting.”

Highlighting the substantial benefits to Fiji’s tourism industry, Hill emphasizes that such events contribute significantly to the local economy.

The Tourism Fiji boss says tourists participating in these challenges tend to extend their stay, spending additional days exploring the country’s diverse landscapes and vibrant culture.

Hill shares the positive ripple effect such events create, noting that many participants, captivated by the unique experience, often book return visits to Fiji.

He adds the partnership of three years with Spartan will be beneficial for the country.