
Families remember fallen heroes

November 11, 2023 4:07 pm

An emotional wife of an ex-serviceman, Meredani Sakealevu, shed tears of sorrow as she remembered her late husband’s sacrifices in the line of duty.

The mother of two’s husband, Maciu Sakealevu served for 28 years in the Republic of Fiji Military Forces before he succumbed to COVID-19 in 2021.

Sakealevu says her late husband exemplifies the famous Biblical phrase, “Service to mankind is service to God”, and his legacy will live on forever.

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“The challenges we face, we really know that there is nothing we can do without them … when they are here, we have to base on them for everything.”

Meredani Sakealevu

Sakealevu emphasizes the importance of support towards armed forces personnel, as they have a mammoth task to acquire and maintain peace.

“It is about remembering our fathers, grandfathers who fought in World War 1, World War 2 and also those who serve in peacekeeping missions overseas.”

Hundreds of people gathered at Republic of Fiji Military Forces’ Sukanaivalu Barracks in Vaturekuka, Labasa to commemorate Armistice Day.

Over 100 years ago, hostilities formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month – marking the end of the first-ever World War.

Until date, families and friends of ex-servicemen still carry on the tradition to honour their loved ones who went to war and sacrificed their lives to win peace for their people.