
Sports to be regarded as a compulsory subject

November 10, 2023 12:52 pm

[Source: Parliament of the Republic of Fiji/Facebook]

The Fiji Sports Commission has revealed that their work with the Ministry of Education hasn’t been good so far.

This was during their 2021–2022 annual report submission to the Parliamentary Standing Committee this morning.

Acting chief executive, Peter Mazey, says that the commission has been advocating for sports to be part of the school curriculum like any other subject and shouldn’t be regarded as an extra curriculum activity.

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He adds he made this statement during the National Education Summit earlier this year.

Mazey further adds that the number of hours dedicated to sports in a week in secondary schools is way below average.

“We should be closing our schools like we did in our age on Wednesday afternoon so that everybody can participate in sports.”

Additionally, Mazey says there were concerns raised by the Education Ministry about the sporting venues after the Raluve competition was played in an unsuitable condition this year.

However, he adds that they have been trying to get through to the school ministry to divide different sports into different school terms instead of just having them in one term.

He also expressed to the Committee that there aren’t enough PEMAC teachers in the school system.