
Waikerekere community adopts climate-smart farming

November 10, 2023 6:17 am

In the coastal community of Waikerekere, located in Lami, the menace of seawater intrusion has posed a daunting challenge to the residents’ agricultural pursuits.

This issue threatens the very foundation of their food security and livelihoods.

In response to this pressing concern, the non-government organization Live and Learn, through its Atolls Food Futures program, has emerged as a beacon of hope.

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Project Manager Yan Lai emphasizes that the adoption of climate-smart farming practices isn’t merely about safeguarding the community’s food security; it’s a proactive response to the changing environmental conditions that the community faces.

“The programme is about supporting communities to adopt a climate-smart technologies and providing training and skills around the growing of crops within the household settings to sort of improve on climate resilience and food resilience for the future.”

By embracing this approach, the Waikerekere residents are not only protecting their food sources but also equipping themselves to adapt and thrive in the face of environmental challenges.

One notable addition to their farming arsenal is the introduction of “Food Cubes,” a sustainable solution that holds the promise of a brighter future.

These climate-smart farming techniques signify a turning point, offering a practical and effective means to combat the challenges brought on by seawater intrusion.

Waikerekere Community, characterized by its 96 houses, represents a diverse and vibrant settlement. It is home to people hailing from Kiribati, Tuvalu, Rabi, and Kioa.