
Need to review outdated legislation: Tagicakirewa

November 7, 2023 12:43 pm

[Source: Agoda]

There is a need to review outdated legislation that deals with the environment and natural resource owners in Fiji to meet their current needs.

This has been highlighted by the permanent secretary for iTaukei Affairs, Pita Tagicakirewa, as one of the major challenges raised by resource owners.

The Natural Resources Owner’s Committee is currently on a four-day training focusing on ‘Nearshore Management,’ specifically addressing vital issues related to the country’s fisheries.

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However, another major challenge is the integrated approach with agencies.

“The challenge is understanding better how legislation is applied, especially in the current environment, but also the need to review some of the outdated legislation. The other is the integrated approach because we have a number of agencies dealing with this: the Ministry of Fisheries, the Ministry of Lands, the Department of Environment, and iTaukei Affairs. It’s a matter of coordination so they can listen to each other.”

Tagicakirewa has also highlighted that the National Resource Owners Committee plays a pivotal role in facilitating communication between resource owners, government agencies, and stakeholders.

The meeting aims to simplify communication channels, support the conservation and responsible management of natural resources, and consider the concerns and aspirations of iTaukei landowners when making decisions about resource utilization and development projects.

Meanwhile, the meeting concludes on Thursday, with a planned field trip to Silana village in the north of Tailevu tomorrow.