
October records dry spell across Fiji group: Fiji Met Services

November 4, 2023 7:39 am

The Fiji group recorded less than half the normal rainfall at the majority of places across the country last month.

The Fiji Meteorological Service says October was a very dry month, with Matei Airfield in Taveuni and Savusavu registering a record lowest total monthly rainfall since observations began in 1956.

In a statement, the Nadi weather office says an El Nino event is established in the tropical Pacific, and such events usually suppress rainfall activity over the Fiji group.

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The Fiji Met Service says that while rainfall activity is expected to increase as we progress into the wet season from November, it may not be as much as what Fiji normally experiences due to the effects of the current El Nino event.

Despite this, conditions in the southwest Pacific may become favourable for rainfall producing systems next week, due to an expected Madden-Julian Oscillation pulse in the region.

The Nadi weather office says this usually brings increased tropical weather activities at this time of the year.

Consequently, the Fiji Met Service says parts of the country may experience some relieving rainfall later next week from an anticipated trough of low pressure.