Natural Disaster

NDMO to conduct live tsunami and evacuation drill

October 16, 2023 6:02 am

The National Disaster Management Office will be conducting a live tsunami and evacuation drill in Suva tomorrow between 10am and 12pm.

In a statement, NDMO states that the drill is part of the National Simulation Exercise as a critical component of the 2023 National Disaster Awareness Week.

During the drill, all 13 tsunami sirens between the Suva-Lami corridor will activated and members of the public are not required to evacuate.

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According to the NDMO, the objective of this exercise is to evaluate its state of readiness for any potential tsunami event and to test the internal response plans of selected schools and agencies within Suva.

NDMO is urging members of the public not to panic if they witness people evacuating in their vicinity during this time.

Members of the public are also urged not to interfere with the participating agencies.

The NDMO will be working closely with the Fiji Roads Authority and the Fiji Police Force to minimize disruptions to traffic flow during the live evacuation drill exercise.

The five designated evacuation points for the exercise include the National War Memorial Site, Metro Gym, YMCA Grounds, Saint Anne’s Primary School and Ragwhan Park, Muanikau.