
Excellent support system: Dr Fong

October 1, 2023 7:05 am

The Permanent Secretary for Health Doctor James Fong

The Permanent Secretary for Health Doctor James Fong, reveals that the Ministry of Health has a good support system in terms of screening and diagnosing rheumatic heart disease patients.

Dr. Fong says that the high rate of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease in Fiji is a testament to the fact that the Ministry has an active screening process.

The Permanent Secretary is acknowledging the assistance provided by NGO partners like Cure Kidz from New Zealand.

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“They also help us a lot with the supply of echo cardiogram machines and other public awareness material that we use to promote the idea of screening all the children and making sure that those who are positive get the kind of treatment they need.”

Dr. Fong reiterates that the Ministry is focusing on ensuring that there is good access to care, enough awareness is carried out, and those that are found positive are supported to prevent them from getting any other complications.