
Landmark lighting to mark World Heart Day

September 30, 2023 7:12 am

The Grand Pacific Hotel lit up crimson last night to commemorate World Heart Day.

The Ministry of Health took part in a landmark lighting ceremony to commemorate World Heart Day for the first time in Fiji last night.

According to the Permanent Secretary, Dr. James Fong, Fiji joins these iconic monuments to shine a light on heart health.

Dr. Fong is optimistic that these plans aim to improve prevention, detection, and diagnosis of childhood illnesses, including the management of RHD cases at all healthcare levels and providing holistic care according to guidelines at sub-divisional levels.

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“We also ensure that on this day, we can raise awareness about heart disease; we can raise awareness about why we should protect our hearts in terms of living healthy lifestyles; and we also want to promote the idea of screening for heart disease in children.”

Dr. Fong states that three monuments, including the Dinem House, the Centercom Mercury House, and the Grand Pacific Hotel, were lit up crimson last night to commemorate World Heart Day.